
《小公主苏菲亚》第二季英文版 资源简介


小公主苏菲亚 第二季 Sofia the First Season 2 (2014)

导演: 萨姆·里格尔 / 杰米·米切尔 / Larry Leichliter
编剧: 克雷格·格伯 / Laurie Israel / Rachel Ruderman / Erica Rothschild / Michael G. Stern / 卡特·克劳克 / Elizabeth Keyishian / Dani Michaeli / Krista Tucker
主演: 阿芮尔·温特 / 黛西·罗斯·布莱内斯 / 莎拉·拉米尔兹 / 扎克·卡利森 / 特拉维斯·威林厄姆 / 更多
类型: 动画 / 家庭 / 儿童 / 奇幻
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
首播: 2014-03-07(美国)
季数: 2
集数: 28
单集片长: 23分钟
IMDb: tt2793576
豆瓣评分: 8.8

小公主苏菲亚 第二季的剧情简介















《小公主苏菲亚》第二季英文版 视频截图

《小公主苏菲亚》第二季英文版 视频目录

1. Two Princesses and a Baby

Amber doesn’t want to share her birthday with James anymore, so she asks Cedric to cast a spell giving them different birthdays.

2. The Enchanted Feast

When the evil fairy, Miss Nettle, tries to steal her amulet during the Enchanted Feast, Sofia gets some help from Snow White.

3. The Flying Crown

When an injury keeps James from competing in the flying derby championship, Sofia must team up with Prince Hugo.

4. Mom’s the Word

Sofia doesn’t want to share her mother with her siblings at a Mother’s Day picnic and asks Lucinda to cast a spell giving the two of them time alone.

5. The Silent Knight

Sofia gets to meet her hero, Sir Bartleby, who doesn’t speak because of his unusual voice, and introduces him to her Aunt Tilly.

6. Enchanted Science Fair

As the Enchanted Science Fair nears, Sofia and her classmates pair up to find magical objects atop a mountain, a quest that tests their friendship.

7. King for a Day

With his parents away, James is made king for the day, but things get out of hand when he refuses to take the job seriously.

8. When You Wish upon a Well

A jealous Amber makes a wish that Roland becomes allergic to Sofia but she doesn’t mean to turn Sofia into a cat!

9. Gizmo Gwen

When Sofia meets Gwen, a young kitchen maid with a talent for inventing, she encourages her to follow her creative dreams.

10. Sofia the Second

Sofia uses a spell to make a double of herself so she can be in two places at once, but the copy ends up causing trouble at the Highland Hootenanny.

11. Mystic Meadows

Sofia joins Cedric for a visit to a sorcerers’ retirement home, where he hopes to earn his father’s respect and his family’s magic wand.

12. Princesses to the Rescue!

When James and Prince Jin become trapped in the kingdom of Wei-Ling, Sofia, Amber and Jun team up with Mulan to rescue them.

13. Ghostly Gala

A ghost is scaring everyone away from Sofia’s big Halloween bash, but she soon discovers that he just wants to host a party of his own.

14. The Princess Stays in the Picture

When Sofia and Hildegard become trapped inside a magic painting, Hildegard’s know-it-all attitude complicates their escape.

15. The Emerald Key

Two princesses arrive in Enchancia, each claiming to own an emerald key that Sofia found. Which is the real princess, and which the imposter?

16. Scrambled Pets

Sofia and her classmates bring their pets to school, where they get “scrambled” during an experiment in sorcery class.

17. Baileywhoops

A new steward casts a spell on Baileywick, hoping to steal his job. But Sofia helps to make sure her friend doesn’t fall into the trap.

18. The Curse of Princess Ivy: Part 1

Jealous of Sofia’s magic amulet, Amber steals it for herself, a deed that unleashes the wicked Princess Ivy who wants to take over Enchancia.

19. The Curse of Princess Ivy: Part 2

While evil Princess Ivy tries to destroy the amulet, Amber turns to Sofia and Rapunzel for help defeating Ivy and saving Enchancia.

20. Winter’s Gift

While looking for the perfect Wassailia gift for Cedric, Sofia meets a faun in the woods who’s suffering from a terrible curse.

21. The Leafsong Festival

Crackle would love to sing in the Leafsong Festival but fears that she’ll have to give up her fire-breathing ability to participate.

22. Substitute Cedric

When Cedric steps in to teach Sofia’s sorcery class, a group of his former students play a series of pranks that threatens to get out of hand.

23. Clover Time

After water floods his home, Clover moves in with Sofia. The princess is delighted, at least until Clover proves how untidy he can be.

24. In a Tizzy

Hoping to win a big race, Ruby asks fairy godmother Tizzy to lend a hand. But the fairy’s super-enthusiastic help makes Ruby sorry she ever asked.

25. A Tale of Two Teams

When the villagers take on the royal court in a game of dazzleball, Sofia must choose whose team to join — her friends’ or her family’s.

26. The Littlest Princess

Sofia’s amulet magically lets her become tiny in order to save three sprites. But when she misbehaves, the amulet won’t let her return to normal size.

27. Buttercup Amber

Amber joins a troop of Butternut scouts, but a grungy overnight trip proves challenging for the princess who prefers to remain pristine.

28. Carol of the Arrow

Sofia tries to do a good deed to prove that the royal family cares about the villagers, but a local hero’s jealous follower thwarts her efforts.

Amber joins a troop of Butternut scouts, but a grungy overnight trip proves challenging for the princess who prefers to remain pristine.

28. Carol of the Arrow

Sofia tries to do a good deed to prove that the royal family cares about the villagers, but a local hero’s jealous follower thwarts her efforts.


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